Elementary Faculty

Summer Cline
B.S., Business Management
Barton College
K-6th Licensure
East Carolina University
Teaching Experience: 14
Tenure at WCA: 6

Beverly Efird
B.S., Elementary Education
Bob Jones University
Teaching Experience: 18
Tenure at WCA: 14

Janice Efird
B.S., Elementary Education
Liberty University
Teaching Experience: 45
Tenure at WCA: 19

Jennifer Gillen
B.S., Elementary Education
Crown College
Teaching Experience: 8
Tenure at WCA: 5

Hanna Griffey
B.S., Elementary Education
South Eastern Free Will Baptist College
Teaching Experience: 6
Tenure at WCA: 4

Jennifer Hess
B.A., English
Bob Jones University
Teaching Experience: 2
Tenure at WCA: 2

Nathan Hess
B.S., Elementary Education
Bob Jones University
Teaching Experience: 22
Tenure at WCA: 22

Michaellyn Hughes
B.S., Elementary Education
Liberty University
Teaching Experience: 11
Tenure at WCA: 9

Jessica Langman
B.S., Secondary Education
Crown College
Teaching Experience: 16
Tenure at WCA: 15

Donna Mills
B.S., Elementary Education
Liberty University
Teaching Experience: 8
Tenure at WCA: 4

Susan Owens
B.S., Elementary Education
Pensacola Christian College
Teaching Experience: 8
Tenure at WCA: 5

Darla Spence
A.A., Arts Degree (3 yr)
Bob Jones University
Teaching Experience: 11
Tenure at WCA: 1

Amy Tant
B.S., Elementary Education
East Carolina University
Teaching Experience: 19
Tenure at WCA: 15

Wendy Taylor
B.S., Business Management
Mount Olive College
Teaching Experience: 20
Tenure at WCA: 17

Johanna Willard
B.S., Elementary Education
Northland Baptist Bible College
Teaching Experience: 31
Tenure at WCA: 8

Casey Zervas
B.S., Elementary Education
Bob Jones University
Teaching Experience: 9
Tenure at WCA: 9
MS/HS Faculty

Mike Bennett
B.S., Music Education
Faithway Baptist College
M.A., Sacred Music
Pensacola Christian College
Teaching Experience: 22
Tenure at WCA: 2

Desiree Brewer
B.S., History & Physical Education
Pensacola Christian College
Teaching Experience: 18
Tenure at WCA: 18

Jenifer Carnes
B.S., Business
Welch College
Teaching Experience: 9
Tenure at WCA: 11

Linda Carroll
B.S., Accounting
Bob Jones University
Teaching Experience: 4
Tenure at WCA: 4

Timothy Deans
B.A., Practical Christian Training
Bob Jones University
B.S., Interdisciplinary Studies
Teaching Experience: 22
Tenure at WCA: 15

Janet Johnson
B.S., Music Education
Atlantic Christian College
Teaching Experience: 30
Tenure at WCA: 9

Caitlin McNeill
B.S., Chemistry: Forensic Science
B.S., Anthropology
Appalachian State University
Teaching Experience: 2
Tenure at WCA: 2

Meghan Meyer
B.S., Secondary Education
Pensacola Christian College
Teaching Experience: 3
Tenure at WCA: 2

Kelsey Parker
B.S., Biophysical Science
Regent University
Teaching Experience: 3
Tenure at WCA: 3

Renita Petway
B.S., Mathematics
UNC Greensboro
M.S., Math Education
North Carolina State University
Ph.D., Math Education
North Carolina State University
Teaching Experience: 36
Tenure at WCA: 12

Carrie Reynell
B.S., Middle School Education
Barton College
Teaching Experience: 18
Tenure at WCA: 10

Diana Rose
B.S., Religious Education with
Emphasis in Math and Business
West Coast Baptist College
M.Ed., Teaching and Learning
Bob Jones University
Teaching Experience: 9
Tenure at WCA: 8

Dominique Samson
B.S., Secondary Education
Pensacola Christian College
Teaching Experience: 15
Tenure at WCA: 15

Don Samson
B.S., Religious Education
Davis College
Teaching Experience: 15
Tenure at WCA: 15

Andie Says
B.R.E., Music Education
West Coast Baptist College
Teaching Experience: 3
Tenure at WCA: 3

Geoffrey Schiefer
B.S., Elementary Education
Pensacola Christian College
M.Ed., Administration and Supervision
Virginia Commonwealth University
Teaching Experience: 42
Tenure at WCA: 13

Paige Sharoon
B.S., Elementary Education
Pensacola Christian College
Teaching Experience: 1
Tenure at WCA: 1

Justin Thompson
B.S., Pastoral Ministries
Calvary Baptist Institute
Teaching Experience: 5
Tenure at WCA: 5
Specials Teachers
Learning Center

Amy Petty
A.S. Business Administration
Nash Community College
Teaching Experience: 11
Tenure at WCA: 11

Shelby Shuler
B.S., Art Education
University of North Carolina,
Teaching Experience: 19
Tenure at WCA: 19

Taylor Parker
B.A., Psychology
Eastern Carolina University
Teaching Experience: 1
Tenure at WCA: 1

Kelly Wood
B.S., Secondary Education
Crown College
Master of Christian Education with
Emphasis in Special Education
Veritas Baptist College
Teaching Experience: 19
Tenure at WCA: 12